Cell Biology of Infectious and Degenerative Diseases

by Alberto
Published: 12/11/2018 - 23:53
Last modification: 12/11/2018 - 23:53

This research area seeks to shed light on the mechanisms associated with the parasite-host interaction, as well as degenerative cellular and molecular changes that take place. Furthermore, research has been done in the field of observation of pathological changes caused by degenerative and parasitic diseases, vaccine development, and treatment of infectious diseases. The main approaches include microscopy, cell typing by flow cytometry, specific gene expression, detection of cell adhesion molecules, etc.


Neide Maria da Silva

Tiago Wilson Patriarca Mineo

Foued Salmen Espindola

Ana Paula Coelho Balbi

Claudio Vieira da Silva

Michele Aparecida Ribeiro de Freitas

Bellisa de Freitas Barbosa

Eloisa Amália Vieira Ferro

Research Groups:

Cell biology of intracellular parasite protozoa

Exploring the therapeutic potential of recombinant P21 of Trypanosoma cruzi

Cytoimmunophysiology of reproduction

Immunopathology of parasitosis

Biotechnology in medicinal plants and biochemistry of stress

Immunity against protozoa of veterinary interest

Research Projects:

Understanding the role of P21 protein of Trypanosoma cruzi in human infection and in experimental models

Gene edition in the study of the relationship between protozoa Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum and their hosts

Effect of enrofloxacin in the susceptibility of trophoblastic cells to infection by Toxoplasma gondiiin vitro and in vivo studies

Role of galectin-3 in the mechanisms of infection of trophoblastic cells by Toxoplasma gondii: a model of placental infection

Role of the Cellular Signaling Notch Receptor in the oral infection of mice by Toxoplasma gondii

Role of iron and Heme-oxygenase-1 in congenital toxoplasmosis and malaria